Saturday, April 22, 2006


I started a new job in August last year - quite possibly the best one I have ever had, and working with an incredible bunch of talented and clever people. How I ever got through the door I really don't know, but they haven't thrown me out yet so I must be doing something right.

Part of this new job has required extensive travelling to and from China, for reasons I cannot say (I mean, I know them obviously, but I am not sure if I am allowed to explain - nod nod, wink wink, say no more...)

So in an effort to save my sanity, and record for all time some of the things that I was experiencing I started to do a 'Dear diary' email back to the office every little while. They caused a titter and a chuckle, and on two occasions the snorting or spitting of hot beverages.

So I have decided to put them up on here. This should hopefully encourage / push me to do more or them too

They are not necessarily grammatically correct, or even politically correct, they are just my ramblings.

I hope you enjoy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She who must be obeyed? Good one, it gonna get you in trouble!