Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm still alive - honest.

It is amazing how much you can lose track of life when work gets in the way.

How have you been?
I'm ok - just about half a year adrift it seems.

You know when I was young I was torn for a career choice. I wasn't certain if I wanted to paint the faces of people in beautiful pictures to immortalize them for all time, or if I wanted to design and build fantastic scenic gardens for everyone to enjoy. In the end I abandoned both choices.........
I could never decide between Portraits or Landscapes

Incidentally I was thinking of writing something very thought provoking on plagiarism. Unfortunately I couldn't find any decent information worth copying.

I promise to stick some new stuff up here very soon.

Happy new wossname

Chubby Little Limey

1 comment:

Richard Siemens said...

Andy - you need to post more to your blog - it's pretty stagnant :)